Sometimes you have to say NO to an opportunity - but it hurts!
It is always difficult to say no to an opportunity where you can earn more money.
...Thanks Mike and Joe (SalesRoundup.com) for your comment by the way - money is important :-)
Some opportunities you have opportunities that does not fall within the strategy of the company or what you are trying to achieve, which means that in the long run the time could be spend better with other opportunities. Other times you have some opportunities where your chances of winning is just to low when you are looking at it realistically - and you got to be honest with your self.
That means that sometimes you need to say no to an opportunity. That can be a very hard choice to make. I don't mean latent opportunities where you are trying to build the need at the customer - I mean real opportunities where the customer has a project and they are asking you to bid on it.
But the results of a no to an opportunity can sometimes be really effective.
1. First of all you might free up your time to work on better cases with higher probability or work on finding new opportunities that fit with your strategy, which again means that you have a better chance with the next opportunity.
2. Secondly you customers will respect you for you decision. They respect the fact that you are honest with them about what you are trying to sell.
3. You might get the chance to change the customers evaluation criterion's. If the customer is truly interested in your solution to their pain, they might get back to you.
I had a customer recently where I was asked to submit an answer to an RFP. I have made a presentation of our solution before the RFP was send out and they liked our solution. When we got the RFP I could see that there was a lot of elements where we would not compete very well, so I told the customer that we would not participate in the bit.
The customer then came back to me and told me they where very impressed with the fact that I dared say no to the opportunity, and asked me to describe why I did not want to participate. It ended up with us going to the second round of the process without actually answering the RFP and having changed the parameters for the evaluation, and we ended up winning the business.
So my advice is to consider your opportunities and don't be afraid to say no to opportunities sometimes.