I am just reading a book called Raising a Winner, by Rasmus Ankersen (in Danish "Opdragelse af en vinder").
It is a very interesting book that also has some interesting perspectives, which can be related to the business world.
One of the key things that I have noted in the book is that everybody needs to train for 10.000 hours to become a top performer in any given field. Nobody is born with a natural talent that allows them to outperform the rest without consistent and focused training.
The other thing is that it is not just any training. You need to train with the focused goal of becoming better, or simply the best. Otherwise you will just stay at the same level.
For us as entrepreneurs the first and direct leason is that we need to implement focused training on developing our core activities to continuously improve these.
These core activities both include our key functions like development, production, etc., but also supporting functions like sales and management.
At the same time we need to recognize that it requires long hard and ambitious training over a very long period of time. It is not just a one time event.
The training can of course be traditional courses and this can be a very good part of the training. But Rasmus Ankersen also highlights the importance of "self training".
As an entrepreneur this means the everyday work that we perform. Each day is a chance for training our core activities. But as mentioned, it need to be training with the specific goal of becoming better. So think about this tomorrow when you go to work and get ready to perform your daily activities, e.g.:
- How can I drive the sales process significantly more effectively?
- How can I ensure that my consulting advice add even more value to my customers?
- How can I become an significantly better manager for my employees?
- Etc.